Early Warning Signs of Post-Birth Complications Training

What is Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM)?

SMM refers to pregnancy-related conditions and complications that can have serious short- and long-term consequences on an individual's health. Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM) impacts over 50,000 birthing people per year in the United States, and over 400 birthing people per year in the city of Philadelphia, which is 57% higher than the national average. Like other health inequities, SMM disproportionately impacts Black birthing people at a rate that is 2X higher than that of White women. SMM can lead to maternal death if signs are not identified and treated.

Who would benefit from the Early Warning Signs training?
Everyone! The goal of the program is to educate all people who may interact with folks who have recently given birth in both professional settings (nurses, home health aids, community outreach specialists, etc.) and personal settings (friends, family members, neighbors). In the past, we have provided EWS training to religious organizations, community-based organizations, and clinical providers. This training session aims to reduce the burden on birthing people and educate their local communities on recognizing the signs & symptoms to look out for in the postpartum period. By empowering individuals within the “Village” through education and skills, we aspire to improve maternal health outcomes for birthing people in Philadelphia!

Training Overview

In response to high and growing numbers of Severe Maternal Morbidity in the city of Philadelphia, the OVA developed and implemented an Early Warning Signs (EWS) of Post-Birth Complications training program to educate all individuals who may interact with birthing people in the postpartum period on the specific signs of post-birth complications. The training aims to empower individuals in both clinical and non-clinical settings to recognize the warning signs of potential postpartum health complications and promote care-seeking behavior in postpartum birthing people (seeking emergency medical care, etc.). This one-hour education session is available virtually or in person and is always co-facilitated by a Clinical Expert and a Lived Experience Expert.

Join the Village!

Order Magnets

Magnets are available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin, French, Arabic, Haitian Creole. If you need another language, please email Mara Pliskin.

Request a Training

Complete the training request form below and you will receive a email once a training is scheduled.

Watch a Recorded Training

Unable to schedule a training? Watch a recorded version here!

POST-BIRTH Warning Signs

Call 911 if you experience:

  • P

    Pain in Chest

  • O

    Obstructed breathing or shortness of breath

  • S


  • T

    Thoughts of hurting yourself or someone else

Call your healthcare provider, go to the emergency room, or call 911, if you experience:

  • B

    Bleeding, soaking through one pad/hour, or blood clots, the size of an egg or bigger

  • I

    Incision that is not healing

  • R

    Red or swollen leg, that is painful or warm to touch

  • T

    Temperature of 100.4°F fever or higher

  • H

    Headache that does not get better, even after taking medicine, or bad headache with vision changes
